The third edition of Paris Web will be held from November 13 to 15. I should have mentioned it earlier since the early bird is over. But guess what : it's still really affordable.

The program is remarkable. Chris Wilson, Daniel Glazman, François Yergeau, Nicole Sullivan, Christian Heilmann, Charles MacCathieNeville, Aaron Leventhal will all be there. And I'm just talking about the famous names. There's a lot more interesting persons speaking there.

On Saturday, I will present a workshop on Firebug and the Web Inspector :

Our web pages are less and less static. After writing the code, we have to understand how they are interpreted by the browsers.

Which CSS rules apply to this element

What is this bug in my JavaScript code ?

Why is this action taking so much time ?

We will discover and use these two tools to answer those questions and much more. We will talk about the Console API and the command line.

I would also like to talk about the new features in WebKit, we still need to figure out how. Julien Chaffraix (another WebKit contributor) will be there too. He'll be part of the browser discussion on Friday.

In addition to the lectures and workshops, there will be a free party on friday night.

This is an awesome organisation. They are all volunteers but it's a professional class event. If you're gonna be there, leave a message here if you want.