French version

Changes of the week

Everything mentioned below should work with the latest nightly available at the moment (35806).

CSS Animations implementation (35666)

I announced this implementation too early last week. Comparing to the two specs, associated events were missing.

Compatibility with Firebug's API (35676, 35786, 35787)

New commands are available in the console. $, $$, $x, keys, values, profile/profileEnd, clear. You can find these functions descriptions in Firebug's documentation And don't forget the addition of console.dir to list all properties of an object. console.dir

SVG tests (35675, 35679, 35680, 35682, 35683, 35695, 35700)

I'm not familiar with SVG but something like 80 tests were added to ensure the right behaviour of the engine. Especially, the elements line, radialGradient, image, marker, mask, cursor, pattern and rect are concerned. Some fixes were made in consequence.

Resizable and closable inspector in docked mode (35719, 35720, 35722)

When the inspector is inside a page, it is now possible to resize and close it. I waited a long time for this. This docked mode is now the default. And to finish with this, the inspector will remember in which mode you've let it.

Loader enhancements (35799, 35801)

In order to always get better performances, some tweaks were made :

  • Stylesheets get highest priority since the engine won't render before having downloaded every stylesheets.
  • For each new host, the connection is established as soon as possible in order to reduce the effect of the latency due to it.
  • When the document and all stylesheets are parsed, there's no need to maintain a queue, we can download all documents, whatever priority they have.
  • To avoid delaying the initial rendering, resources in <body> are not downloaded if there's no render. This improves by 25%, or 5 seconds, the initial rendering for CNN with a bandwith limited to 300kb/s, interesting for mobile devices.

This is everything for this week. Of course, this is just a selection I've made. If you've noticed any other interesting changes, please let me know. Same thing if I got something wrong.